Māori-led Development. What’s working for whānau, hapū and iwi?

13 Mar 2018, 11:00am–12:15pm NZDT

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In this webinar Dr Chelsea Grootveld, Marama Tākao and successful Māori development grantees of the J R McKenzie Trust share what's working for whānau, hapū and iwi who are taking positive steps to achieve their aspirations.

Nan Wehipeihana will present an evaluation report which weaves together some learnings from these projects and initiatives, sharing what we can learn from Te Kāwai Toro, a bold initiative from the J R McKenzie Trust which enables Māori development through philanthropic funding.

The Community Research Webinar FAQs page contains technical information about attending this webinar. http://www.communityresearch.org.nz/webinar-faqs/

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